Pregnancy Care Treatments

Pregnancy care, also known as prenatal care, is a vital aspect of ensuring the health and well-being of both the pregnant person and the developing fetus. Proper pregnancy care involves a combination of medical assessments, monitoring, lifestyle adjustments, and treatments to support a healthy pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.


Pregnancy care, also known as prenatal care, is a vital aspect of ensuring the health and well-being of both the pregnant person and the developing fetus. Proper pregnancy care involves a combination of medical assessments, monitoring, lifestyle adjustments, and treatments to support a healthy pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

Painless delivery in Keshavnagar Pune is a holistic approach, ensuring the well-being of both mother and baby. Routine check-ups, tests, treatments, and emotional support are crucial for a positive pregnancy experience. Collaborate with qualified healthcare providers for a successful journey towards painless normal delivery in Keshavnagar Pune.

Treatments During Pregnancy:

Certain treatments may be recommended during pregnancy to address specific conditions or promote well-being:

  • Prenatal Vitamins: Healthcare providers often recommend prenatal vitamins containing essential nutrients like folic acid, iron, calcium, and vitamins D and B12 to support the developing fetus and prevent deficiencies.
  • Gestational Diabetes Management: If gestational diabetes is diagnosed, healthcare providers may recommend dietary changes, blood sugar monitoring, and, in some cases, insulin or medication to manage blood sugar levels.
  • Nausea and Morning Sickness: Lifestyle adjustments, dietary changes, and anti-nausea medications may be prescribed to manage nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.
  • Iron Supplementation: Iron supplements may be prescribed to prevent or treat anemia, which is common during pregnancy.
  • Treatment for Infections: Prompt treatment of infections, such as urinary tract infections, is important to prevent complications during pregnancy.
  • Antenatal Classes: These classes offer education and guidance on pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting, helping individuals prepare for labor and delivery.
  • High-Risk Pregnancy Care: In cases of high-risk pregnancies, such as multiples, pre-existing medical conditions, or complications, specialized treatments and monitoring may be necessary.

    Now a days ,Primary and secondary infertility is too common issue 

    Common reason for infertility





    Vighnharta hospital always try to give medical treatment so that patient natural get conceive.we have too many success stories 


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    Monday – Friday 8.00 – 7:00 pm
    Saturday 9.00 – 8.00 pm
    Sunday 10.00 – 9.00 pm