
The reception at Vighnahartha Superspecialty Hospital serves as the initial point of contact for patients, visitors, and caregivers entering the facility. Staffed by courteous and knowledgeable personnel, our reception desk provides assistance with appointments, admissions, inquiries, and directions within the hospital. Patients are greeted with professionalism and empathy, ensuring a welcoming and supportive environment from the moment they arrive. The reception area is designed for comfort and convenience, offering seating, information materials, and amenities to accommodate the needs of patients and their families. Our dedicated reception team is committed to delivering exceptional service and ensuring a seamless experience for all individuals accessing our hospital services.

Spacious and Comfortable

In Vighnahartha Superspecialty Hospital, the reception area is designed to be spacious and comfortable to provide patients, visitors, and caregivers with a welcoming and relaxing environment. Ample space allows for easy movement and reduces congestion, ensuring a smooth flow of people entering and exiting the hospital. Comfortable seating arrangements are provided, allowing individuals to wait comfortably while they complete necessary paperwork or wait for their appointments. The reception area is well-lit, clean, and aesthetically pleasing, contributing to a positive first impression and enhancing the overall experience of those entering the hospital. Additionally, the reception staff are trained to greet everyone warmly and assist with any inquiries or concerns, further adding to the welcoming atmosphere of the hospital. Overall, the spacious and comfortable design of the reception area at Vighnahartha Superspecialty Hospital aims to create a stress-free and pleasant experience for all who visit.

Advanced Equipment

In Vighnahartha Superspecialty Hospital, the reception area is equipped with advanced technology and tools to efficiently manage patient registrations, appointments, and inquiries. We utilize modern software systems for appointment scheduling, electronic medical records (EMR) management, and patient information storage, ensuring accuracy and accessibility of data. Additionally, our receptionists are trained to operate sophisticated communication systems, including telephone networks, intercoms, and paging systems, to facilitate effective communication within the hospital. These advanced equipment and tools streamline administrative processes, reduce wait times, and enhance the overall efficiency of the reception area, ultimately contributing to a seamless and satisfactory experience for patients, visitors, and caregivers.


    Book An Appointment

    Please feel welcome to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical enquiry. Our doctors will receive or return any urgent calls.

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    Emergency Cases

    Please feel welcome to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical enquiry call us.

    Opening Hours

    Monday – Friday 8.00 – 7:00 pm
    Saturday 9.00 – 8.00 pm
    Sunday 10.00 – 9.00 pm